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Sting's Wiltshire home

Lake House, Wiltshire. The country house of the musician Sting.

Colin Barber installed these intricate handmade mosaics made by Pierre Mesguich Mosaiks to the floors. The house was featured in Architectural Digest, and later Hello mag.

The work was in the mid 90s - Sting, Trudie and their young family were patient and appreciative clients - throwing a great Christmas party for all the builders and estate workers !

Scroll down for a pic of yours truly - younger version - at work on the floor back then



Lake House: The finished master bathroom with mosaic floor installed by Colin Barber

This picture is from the feature on the house and project in Architectural Digest

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Master bathroom at Lake House - for Sting.

Project under Alain Maertens, mosaic created by Mesguich-Mosaik and installed by Colin Barber

Below: Further work at Sting's London house

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Colin - at work on the floor in Lake House

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